Dónall Ó Baoill
Genres: Translator, Folklorist, Editor, Lexicographer, Academic writer, Historian
Is fear Gaeltachta as Dún na nGall é Dónall P. Ó Baoill. Bhain sé céim BA onóracha amach sa Ghaeilge agus sa Mhatamaitic agus Ardteastas san Oideachas in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Bronnadh na céimeanna MA agus Ph. D. sa teangeolaíocht air in Ollscoil Michigan sna Stáit Aontaithe. Bhí sé mar thaighdeoir in Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann ó 1974–1999. Ceapadh mar Ollamh le Gaeilge é agus mar Cheann ar Roinn an Léinn Cheiltigh in Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste ó 1999–2011. Tá mórán leabhar agus alt scríofa aige ar ghnéithe den teangeolaíocht, de theanga na Gaeilge, den bhéaloideas, de Bhéarla na hÉireann, den stair shóisialta, de mhúineadh na teanga, den dátheangachas agus ar Theanga Chomharthaíochta na mBodhar in Éirinn. Tá ailt scríofa aige ar fhorbairt agus ar phleanáil teanga, ar shochtheangeolaíocht na Gaeilge agus tá eagarthóireacht déanta aige ar na foilseacháin Teanga, The Journal of Celtic Linguistics, Scáthlán agus ar Language and Politics (1–25).
Dónall P. Ó Baoill is a native speaker of Irish from Donegal. He graduated from University College Galway with a BA degree in Irish and Mathematics and a Higher Diploma in Education. He studied linguistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where he was awarded an MA and Ph. D. He was a researcher in the Linguistics Institute of Ireland 1974–1999 and was appointed Professor of Irish and Head of Irish and Celtic Studies at Queen’s University Belfast 1999–2011. He has published widely in different fields covering such areas as the teaching and learning of Irish, descriptions of Modern Irish dialects, phonology and syntax, language planning and standardisation, bilingualism, language contact, Irish-English, Irish Sign Language, Travellers' Cant, linguistic typology in the languages of Europe, Irish folklore and on various topics within the field of theoretical and applied linguistics. He has edited various publications, Teanga, The Journal of Celtic Linguistics, Scáthlán and Language and Politics (1–25).