Dónall Ó Riagáin
Rugadh i mBaile Átha Cliath i 1941 agus fuair sé a chuid oideachais i gColáiste Mhuire. Gníomhach i nGluaiseacht na Gaeilge ó na déaga ar aghaidh. É ina bhall de Choiste Gnó Chonradh na Gaeilge (1961–1967). Riarthóir Náisiúnta ar Ghlór na nGael (1967–1972). Bainisteoir ar Scéimeanna Oideachasúla Gael-Linn (1974–1984). Bunaitheoir agus an chéad Uachtarán ar an mBiúró Eorpach do Theangacha Neamhfhorlathana (1982–1984). Rúnaí Ginearálta ar an mBiúró (1984–1998). Comhairleoir Speisialta don Bhiúró (1998-2001). Comhairleoir agus Aistritheoir Neamhspleách (2001– ) mar a rinne sé obair do Chomhairle na hEorpa agus don OECD. Thacaigh sé le pobail bheaga i gCónaidhm na Rúise. Bhronn Ollscoil na Breataine Bige comhaltacht oinigh air i 1991. Ba léachtóir ar an gcúrsa MA sa Léann Eorpach sa Choláiste Ollscoil, Baile Átha Cliath, é (2000–2010). Is ball é den Choiste Idirnáisiúnta Comhairleach Linguapax (UNESCOCAT), Barcelona, Language Policy Research Network of the Center for Applied Linguistics i Washington DC. Caomhnóir é den Observatoire International des Droits Linguistiques, Ollscoil Moncton, Ceanada. Aistríodh cuid dá shaothar go teangacha mar an Fhraincis, an Ghearmáinis, an Rúisis agus an Chróitis.
Born in Dublin in 1941 and educated in Coláiste Mhuire. Active in the Irish-language movement from his teens. He was a member of the Gaelic League National Executive (1961–1967), National Administrator of Glór na nGael competition (1967–1972), Manager of Gael-Linn’s Youth and Education Division (1974–1984), Founder and first President of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages [EBLUL] (1982–1984), Secretary General of EBLUL (1984-1998), Special Consultant to EBLUL (1998-2001), Independent Consultant and Translator (2001– ), a capacity in which he has worked with the Council of Europe and the OECD. He has worked with and supported small linguistic communities in the Russian Federation. He has an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Wales (1991) and was lecturer on the MA course in European Studies at University College Dublin (2000–2001). He is a member of the Language Policy Research Network of the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington DC, and the International Advisory Committee of Linguapax (UNESCOCAT), Barcelona. He is a guardian of the Observatoire International des Droits Linguistiques, Moncton University, Canada. Some of his written work has been translated into languages such as French, German, Russian and Croatian.